I have arrived in Wisconsin

Hey guys, 

So I haven't written a letter in a fat minute! I was able to go through the temple a week before my mission and that was so, so, so amazing and spiritual development for sure!!! So if you follow my mom you know that I've been in Milwaukee since last Tuesday night!

 I love it here. I was kinda surprised at first, cause number one, I live in the "ghetto" of Milwaukee. Well that's what everyone else says haha! But our apartment is huge. We currently have five of us living there! We have me and my companion Elder Orr! He is a super cool dude and has been an amazing trainer! He is originally from Canada and moved to Utah! We have Elder Cook, Southwick, and Tafolla who will be leaving in a couple weeks to Peru! But it is super cool and amazing to be surrounded by spiritual giants! Quite literally actually, Elder Southwick is 6'7 and Elder Orr is 6'5 so hahaha! But we've had the opportunity to have a few lessons and it's showed me I got lots to improve on! But I've had a lot of cool experiences! We don't really tract but we do a lot of finding through Facebook profiling and our page! So that rule I learned growing up "don't talk to strangers" or "don't follow anyone you don't know" just got chucked out a skyscraper haha! But our mission is one of the best in the world at Facebook profiling!! Kinda crazy! I went to the Spanish ward and it was so cool to hear everyone and just feel the love that these people had for the gospel and it made me just love them so much more! It's crazy how you can develop so much love for people you haven't even met! But yeah so I love all you guys and you'll get more news next week!!!!!!! Gonna be some most epic and extreme stuff from the cheese mission!

- Elder Doty

Cedar City Temple with the familia

Just driving

                                                                View from the apartment
Elder Orr & I eating dinner

The Zone


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