I can't play the guitarra )Week 71

 Hey ya'll so it's been a min but just wanted to reach out see how you have been and share a little bit about what happened this past week! 


- Okay so we had MLC which was so much fun! We were taught a lot of really good principles and how to complete our missionary purpose more efficiently! It was our first with President Hansen and it was a very spiritual meeting!

- We also had CDC, where we had all the missionaries in our zone meet up and we discussed and shared the message we received in MLC with them. They took it like Champs! 

- We had a unique experience with our mission president. He told us their was someone we knew, who was ready for baptism. So we worked all day and all night each day for the week and we got in contact with an old friend named Moisés, who we hadn't talked to in a while but he reached out and said he was ready for baptism!! We worked with him really heavily and he got to the baptismal interview and he still has a few things he needs to have reviewed with him but other then that he's awesome! 

- So this past week I've been learning love at home on the guitar for a Family Home Evening and I got to play Saturday night in front of like 20 people and it was kinda scary but hey I pulled out my band skills and it worked as well as I could've hoped for!!!

- Sadly Moises didn't come to church... he hasn't called us back so some prayers for him would be appreciated!!! But we had a few other friends come and it was so amazing to have a lot of returning member families there! So truly a spectacular day! 

Spiritual thought: "If you would have a blessing from the Lord, put something upon the altar. Make the sacrifice." - Hartman Rector Jr.

So hey I sure love ya but feel free to reach out cause I would love to hear from ya! Pero Dios te bendiga🤍! - Elder Doty 

Appleton Zone

Family Home Evening in Chilton


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