Aqua Man

 Hey my friends, so I'm super excited to tell you about this past week!!! It's been miracle filled and so so so cool!!! Gracias a Dios por todo que temenos en la vida!!! 

Monday: Ladies and gentlemen, I am now a licensed fisherman in the Great state of Wisconsin!!! We got to do some fishing and we may have also dropped a phone into the water but don't worry Aqua-man came and saved the day!!! 

Tuesday: We had a fuego district council! We talked about being bold and inviting people to be baptized and right after we had a really long call with Linda and talked about baptism with her and are gonna pass her off to the English elders! We also put some time to go and tract and we got rejected a lot but then we saw these kids playing soccer and we asked to play with them. The oldest girl named Ivette said she wanted to hear a message about Jesucristo and we taught the restoration right there in the street and it was just amazing!!! 

Wednesday: We had Spanish council and interviews with President Murphy and it was just amazing!!! Very sad to see him leave this transfer but very grateful for all he's taught me!!! We had some amazing calls with our new friend Miguelangel and Fransisco! We also ate dinner with the Trane family who actually have a family member living in Ivins. That is the second person I've meet here who's lived in Ivins or has family there, so the world is small! 

Thursday: Okay so this was one of the coolest days and experiences of my mission! So our friend Ivette had drawn a picture and it was displayed in downtown Appleton. We went to take a picture with it and send it to her! In the mean time it's raining and we decided to just see what kind of street contacting we could do. As we were heading back to the car, we ran into this young guy named Mario and we talked with him. He invited us over to his hotel to talk and it turns out he has been meeting with the Hermanas and loves the missionaries. We caught him at the perfect time cause he was going through some stuff. We just talked and prayed together and he said such a powerful prayer and it reminded me so much of the story of Enos and it was just so spiritual! Some how the Lord made it all happen in His perfect timing!

Friday: Okay so we had a super dope lesson with Bernardo. We had our Recent convert Abel join with us and he's an absolute stud as well! We taught the Word of Wisdom and Bernardo took it like a champ and said he would stop drinking coffee.He asked Abel what he needs to wear for his baptism!!! He's just the coolest guy ever and just so sweet!!!

Saturday: Man oh man let me tell ya something if you ever are in Wisconsin and you hear the words Oskosh tournament you need to go!!! We went with the Hmong elders down to this huge Hmong event and it was just so cool to see this culture just at its peak!!! I spoke some of my limited Hmong to people and it just made me want to speak it more and also we met a Hmong celebrity! But most importantly we ran into the coolest 12 yr Olds in Oshkosh who want to be apart of God's army!!! Jonathan and Jose are some of the most spiritual little dudes!!! Went tracting again and saw some guy on his phone so we didn't bother him then got rejected for over an hour then went back to the first guy we saw and he accepted the message and the Book of Mormon! Talk about 4th floor last door!!!

Sunday: MEGA MIRACLES!!! So we invited all our friends to church and at first we thought no one showed up even Bernardo but we finally noticed him and he had a nice white polo on and he just had his big Ole smile on his face and it was just so cool! We then had a branch potluck and we sat with 5 friends who are all going to be baptized soon and it was just cool to see them make friends with each other and with the members!!! Like that was the future elders quorum right there!!! We then had dinner and did some calling and found a few new friends to teach!!! The Lord truly is the giver of all things!!!

Spiritual thought: Just wanted to share this quote I have written in my scriptures by Adrith Kapp! It says: "Scriptures are letters from home. Can you imagine getting a letter from home and not even bothering to open it." 

And I just wanted to share that there are 2,473 pages of these "letters" in the standard works and so many more with living prophets today!!! So thought that was really cool!

I know this one is kind of a longer one but just want to testify that the church is true, the book is blue and God loves you amén! - Elder Doty 

Ivette's picture (Guadalupe in the middle)

Cool bench

Oshkosh Tournament

Hmong Elders at the Oshkosh Tournament

Jasmine the celebrity!

Our boy Mario

Our boy Bernardo


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