Meetings, meetings, meetings

 Dear friends how is it going?! As you can see from the title of my email it is going to be a wild email!!! So buckle up buttercups cause I'm gonna take you on an adventure!


- Quite literally I'm not joking about meetings we had one on Tuesday (MLC), Friday (CDC), Saturday and Sunday (General Conference)! So many meetings but so spirit filled! 

- In between all of that we were in Milwaukee for 5 days and on exchanges with the West Allís Elders and the Milwaukee Spanish Elders aka my home😏! Those were super hype! In Milwaukee Spanish I got to go see all the wonderful members, ride bikes in the streets of Milwaukee, and watch General Conference where my mission began!!! 

- In total spent about 3 hrs in our area and the Lord blessed us with some really amazing people to teach in those 3 hours! We just decided let's go knock and bang! 4 new friends to teach! Like God is so good! 

- We have a friend named Juan who is super elect! We had a lesson with him and my boy Benito and then Juan came and watched General Conference with us and Benito at the Sunday morning session! Like holy cow they're really good friends now! 

- 18 new temples announced like Holy cows that's so cool! Next time will be Wisconsin😎!

Spiritual thought: “To be a follower of Jesus Christ one must sometimes carry a burden — your own or someone else’s — and go where sacrifice is required and suffering is inevitable.” - Jeffrey R. Holland (obviamente it's gonna be a General Conference quote haha) but I love this cause obviamente being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not easy but when we follow Him, He will compensate our sorrows and afflictions with healing, peace, and happiness in the life to come! Find joy in the hard things in life and all will be well! 

So yeah! It's good out here in Kenosha! Hope ya'll are good and doing good deeds and being valiant disciples of Jesus Christ! See ya next week! - Elder Doty 


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