Nyob Zoo

 Hey so sorry this one is a week late! Last week's p-day was kind of a crazy one! But I'd love to tell ya a bit about my week!

Tuesday: Okay because I was leaving I packed up a little bit and then we went to Wing Stop and the driving range! We said goodbye to some of the amazing members who took care of me and even celebrated Elder Quinton's birthday with the Calderwoods!!! 

Wednesday: Sadly had to say goodbye to my companion Elder Waldram which was super sad because I only got 1 transfer with him.  I headed off to Appleton to go and serve the Lord there! I met my new companion Elder Carreon and even saw some old friends and that was super awesome! 

Thursday: My first full day in the area, so that was super fun! We went and had correlation with the branch mission leader and let's say this branch is all about missionary work and helping us out! We have a very elect human being in our teaching pool named Bernardo and he's preparing for baptism!!! Absolute stud of a man! 

Friday: So we had another fantastic day. Sadly we didn't find any new friends to teach but we had our follow up lesson with Bernardo and with Hno. Carranco of the branch here in Neenah! The branch is full of amazing members who are willing to just hop on right as we are calling our friends! 

Saturday: Okay so all the fun happened when we went over to Bernardo's house and he told us he was gonna be late. So we just did some wandering around and ran into our new friend Linda, who was taking out her trash. We offered some assistance and we just got talking about life and God! She's going through some things so some prayers for her would be amazing! After that we had Bernardo with our member Hna. Guillermina and she basically taught the rest of the Plan of Salvation and temples which he loved! Went and knocked some doors in his apartment complex and defiantly disturbed some people who were having some fun 😅😅😅 but it's okay haha! 

Sunday: Okay first let me say the Lord blessed us so much! Bernardo was able to come to church and met all the members. They brought him in like he was already baptized and it was so cool! We then had a call with this young guy Misael and we set up a time to drop off a book of Mormon and when we went and dropped it off we asked if we could visit his family and he said they're catholic and wouldn't want to hear the message but he offered to let us in the building and knock some doors,  so we did and let's say we watched this man run. Like 10 minutes later we found this family and they let us right in and the spirit just was so strong. When out of the back room comes Misael with deer in the headlight eyes as we were talking to his family! Like we had no clue he lived there cause he bolted off and was in a complete different part of the complex!!! So miracles! 

Spiritual thought: "Gospel covenants and ordinances operate in our lives like a compass to give us cardinal direction to come unto Christ and become more like Him." - David Bednar

Okay so I know this is late but I absolutely love you all and I pray daily for you guys and remember to keep working, keep loving, keep serving and following the gospel of Jesus Christ!!! - Elder Doty 

Mi compañero Elder Waldram 🤧🤧🤧

 Elder Gonzalez 🥺🥺🥺

Elder Bitton😇😇😇

Almost all the OG Janesville quad 

My son Elder Virgin😊😊😊

Train tracks, the Libro de Mormón and Elder Carreon😤💪💯

Elder Quintons birthday w/ Calderwoods


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