Perro idiota

 Hello, so I will explain the title in a bit but hello again! Hope you have all been doing well! So here's my week!

Monday: So we went to the driving range and at first we thought we crossed the Illinois/Wisconsin border cause we passed a welcome to Wisconsin sign haha but glad to say we didn't haha! 

Tuesday: So we had a district council and the last one of the transfer, so it was kinda sad. We went and helped at Grace Lutheran Church again and we also had a important lesson cancel. We made the best of it and felt prompted to call our friend Juan and it happened to be his day off. We taught him about the importance of reading, going to church and praying!

Wednesday: Another amazing day in which we got to go and eat with the Galindos. Let's just say it was quite amazing, in which we had ribs and burgers. They had found a baby raccoon in their wall so we got to take a picture with that! 

Thursday: Had a fuego zone devotional and as well taught one of our R.C.s about the talk by President Nelson this past conference! We also taught our new friends José and Rafael some English and a little bit about the gospel! 

Friday: So pretty fun day as well! We had F.F.F. which is always a blast and then we needed to make a post for our Spanish page so we went to the light house in Kenosha and filmed our video and obviously explored the beach a little haha! 

Saturday: Okay literally one of my favorite days ever!  We did service for the Calderwood family and here is where the title comes in haha! They have a dog called Spreckers and he got stuck under the shed and Hermana Calderwood got mad and in her Argentinian English/Spanish, she yelled at him and it was so funny haha! We also had an opportunity to go up to Milwaukee and help with a youth activity! As soon as we show up, all I see is the entire Milwaukee branch and all my favorite members!!! Juan Carlos and his family all came and gave me hugs and I also learned that 3 of the young men I worked with put their papers in!!! Made me so, so, so happy!!!

Sunday: So we had church and I had to conduct the hymns and guess what? Middle school band did nothing to prepare me haha! We also went and ate at the Calderwoods house and it was so much fun!!! They treat us as their own kids, so it's a home away from home!

Monday: So Monday was a workday, so we worked and I learned 5 new hymns on the piano, so that's a cool new skill I picked up! We also found our friend Ivette and she's super down to hear about the Book of Mormon! We went to Red Robin as a last meal together cause we found out where everyone is going to go! So turns out I only get 6 wonderful weeks in Kenosha and I'm packing up to go to Appleton WI! Super sad to leave after 1 transfer but it's okay!

Spiritual thought: "Zion is “every man seeking the interest of his neighbor, and doing all things with an eye single to the glory of God.” - Spencer W. Kimball. My invitation to you is to build Zion in your personal lives!

Sure love you all and I can't wait to share the miracles of Appleton with you all and everything in between! Love you all!!! - Elder Doty 

Border crossing haha

District Pic featuring Elder Gonzalez 

Baby raccoon that was in the wall 

The light house of Kenosha 

La Familia Cardenas 

Juan Carlos


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