I'm baptized!

 Hey everyone so here is one of the coolest weeks of my mission and probably the best Sunday ever!!!

Monday: P-day is always a blast in which we just played basketball with some of the other elders in District and had a Zone leadership call, Monday mission miracles and all the good stuff!

Tuesday: Okay so we had Zone Conference and it was the last one w/ the Murphy's and it was so so so spiritual! We had a huge BBQ outside and President and Sister Murphy sat with us so felt pretty cool haha! But as we came to a close on the meeting President Murphy gave us some things to remember and the last one was him and Sister Murphy love us and he said he hopes heaven is like a huge neighborhood and he wants us all in his neighborhood and right there I kinda lost it a little and then of course we sang God Be With You, Till We Meet Again and it made it worse but I love the Murphy's with all my heart and I'm  gonna miss them! Also, Bernardo passed his interview for baptism!

Wednesday: We had exchanges with the Sheboygan English and it went super well! We put their friend Clevera on date and it was just so cool cause she brought up baptism as something we do to have Jesus Christ more in our lives and we told her it was! Then we hit up Milwaukee burger cause it's fuego! And then went and had a missionary coordination with Hermano Flores and planned the baptism!

Thursday: We started off strong with a call with out friend Pablo who sadly lives on the other side of Lake Winnebago and doesn't have a car but wants to do calls! Then we had a District accountability and did some more finding and as well had a lesson with Bernardo and he's so ready, I tell ya he's just so awesome! 

Friday: So we had another call with Pablo and then went to Chick-fil-A and exchanged with the Appleton 1 elders! During this time we literally had a T-bone accident right next too us on the other side of the road and that was crazy!!! But with Elder Brooks we found two new friends to teach! One in both areas and then went to sports night with the Hmong elders! 

Saturday: We started off by playing b-ball with this guy named Marcus at like 7am and we are gonna start doing that as a district every Saturday and get some of our friends to come! And we as well went to a Chinese buffet and went to Bernardos and practiced how the baptism will happen! And we as well worked on the programs for a while after 9pm but all is worth it!!! 

Sunday: Oh my gosh so many blessings! So we pulled an all day 9am-6pm at the church building but it was worth it! We got everything ready and as well had the first service of the branch in the main chapel! So many things happening and as well we had the service with the entire branch there and sadly we had some complications with one of the baptisms but it's okay we got it figured out but then came time for Bernardos baptism and I had the honor of helping him make his first covenant with God and it was just amazing! He came up out of the water and gave me a big hug and turned and said, "I'm baptized!" to everyone as he had the biggest smile on his face! It was just so spiritual!!! Then we just had a lunch after then some mission prep and a dinner then traveling and ending the day there but guys I can't express how amazing Bernardo is and how proud I am of him! He's such a ray of sunshine! 

Spiritual thought: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." - Romans 1:16 

I love you all and I'm so grateful for you all and next week will be transfer week so stay tuned for more adventures with Elder Doty! See ya soon! - Elder Doty 

President & Sister Murphey

Elder Brooks



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