Far Boys

Okay so a super busy week for sure! So let's hop right into it! - So we had Zone Conference and it was a blast! We talked about all the different lines of missionary work and how we can find those prepared to hear the message especially through members! President and Sister Hansen gave amazing trainings! - We had a long week of exchanges with some amazing elders! We went down to Fond du lac after zone conference and just tracted and street contacted the heck out of it then I got to go on exchanges with Elder Jager and man did that bring back some memories! Such a good Elder and we worked the Spanish area and found 2 new friends! - Next we went down to the far end of the zone down in West Bend! I got to be with Elder Cole-Church and we grindined out the member work and taught some really cool friends! We also talked to a Colombian couple about the church and found out that they lived right in front of the Barranquilla Temple!!! So crazy!!! - We got to go hit Fond du lac...