
 Some cool things:

- So we sadly had to say goodbye to the one and only Kab Yeeb Lis which is sad but he will go and do some amazing things in Hawaii and at BYU! But MLC was such an amazing time! We did have some very grown up conversations about the mission but it was very much needed! We are gonna truly miss President and Sister Murphy so much and we are grateful for all they did for us and for me personally! But we are truly excited for President and Sister Hansen!!!

- We went out to Chilton and ate with the Familia Vazquez and it was really good to see them working towards becoming a family in the gospel! Their family could use some prayers for sure! 

- CDC was a really good time as well! We had some grown-up conversations about where we need to be going as a mission and they are more then ready to go where the lord would have them go! 

- We had Carlos come to church with us and it's just amazing that we have members we have members at cause carlos lives 40 minutes away and doesn't have a car but we have a family coming from even farther south that brings him every week!!! 

- We all know that fast Sunday can be a hard time especially when you don't have a meal as a missionary hahaha but our Branch President came in clutch and fed us and it was super awesome! Such an amazing family and they truly love the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Spiritual thought: 
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
   6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." - Proverbs 3:5&6

Hey gotta say I love each and every single one of you and I'm grateful for you all!!! Love you - Elder Doty 


Our boy carlos



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