We're going to catch a monster

 Hey here I am again and lets say its been a while. I feel like it at least haha! But Just wanted to share some cool highlights and some pictures and how the work has progressed here in the Appleton area!

Here we go:
- So transfers happened this week and uh... I'M STAYING!!! Me and Elder Carreon will keep being companions for this next transfer and we will be serving as the Zone Leaders for the Appleton zone and let me tell ya I have no clue what I am doing but gotta figure it out! So we got to help out with the transfer system on Wednesday and it was great seeing a lot of good friends and disciples of Christ! 

- So we finally went back to the Fox River and I am happy to say that nothing was lost or fell into the river or anyone haha but we did catch some fish!!! It felt so good to catch something after almost a year and a half of not having a rod in my hand! Really caught some monsters for sure!!

- So we went and did some tracting in an apartment complex and knocked about 30 doors with names and sadly we only got some angry responses and talked to someone from the country of Rwanda which was way sick! But on the way home we saw this guy on his bike so we tried to talk to him from the car and he ignored us so we then kinda cut him off and then talked to him for 30 minutes and he was just really sad, stressed and felt alone cause he just moved from California and had no friends but he was happy we stopped for him! So we set up a time to talk to our man Balthazar here the next day and ended up finding our boy Ramon while talking to Balthzar so they now homies!!!

- We had a jam-packed weekend with the Sharing the Gospel devo which I invite you all to watch if you haven't and with church! So our boy Ramon came and so did our friend Carlos who we found like 2 weeks earlier while tracting down in Fond du lac and he wants to be baptized!!! Another big thing is that Bernardo received the Aaronic Priesthood!!!

Spiritual thought: 1st Corinthians 3:4-7, This is all about missionary work and truly seeing that we are only instruments and that it is the Lord who really changes people and it is super awesome!

I love you all and hope everything is good! God bless you all! - Elder Doty


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