If I am to die, I shall do it at Kwik Trip

 Hey ya'll so I hope you are all doing well and jazzy wherever you may be! I'm here to let ya know about the title of my email! 

So some quick highlights of the week are:

- We had some crazy storms over here and people forget that I am from the deserts of Utah and I have never seen rain hahaha! But we had a tornado show up and some of the Sisters needed an extra air mattress during the tornado so we said we would meet them at the Kwik Trip and lets just say I couldn't see through the rain and the wind was crazy but when we got to the Kwik trip I told the workers if I am to die today might as well do it here haha! But we were safe and the tornado left which I am sad I didn't get to see the land of Oz!

- I have learned that the Fox River here in the Appleton area does not like the missionaries haha it has claimed a few things such as a phone and now a pair of pants and shoes as I was walking down to the river a rock decided to mess up my day and I definitely sunk up to mid calf in clay like 2 minutes before a member lunch so we raced home and changed but it was a great experience!

- We taught Bernardo how to tie a tie for the first time in his life on Friday and oh my gosh it was such a great time! I forgot how hard it is to try and show how to do it with a tie already on me but he was so happy to have his very own ties to wear to church! As well he received the Holy Ghost and it was just one of the coolest things ever to be a part of!!!

Spiritual thought: Romans 15:4, This is something I am truly grateful for because the scriptures' have so much application to us today and as we seek to understand with the Spirit the Lord will direct us to do his will and give us peace!

So those are some highlights from the past week and be prepared to hear more adventures and tales of the WMM with Elder Doty! But I sure love you all and have a good week alright! 

Cheers - Elder Doty

Hey, it's me!

Bernardo and ties, hehe

Kwik Trip

Pretty sky at the Kwik Trip

Exchange pic, the river hates me!

Week 65!


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