Birthday Miracle, week 70

 Hey ya'll so how is it going??? So as you know from the title it was really a miracle filled week! So to begin, I would like to start with....... well actually I don't really know, so I am gonna run with it haha!

- So I got the best surprise on my birthday and no it wasn't eating at a Chinese buffet but while on our way home from an appointment, we received a text saying you need to call Abel from the Hermanas. Abel is one of our recent converts and so we called him right away and found out from him that our branch president had been over to visit them because one of their friends was getting baptized. He asked who is ready in the Vazquez family for baptism and... his 9 yr old son Kevin said, "I am ready to be baptized!!!!" Like it was so cool, so he asked us if that would be possible and of course we said it's possible!!! One of the coolest miracles of my mission happened on my birthday at a Kwik trip with a rainbow like dang it was so cool!!!

- We went over to a member's house and I ate some Greek food for the first time and it wasn't half bad! But let me tell ya if you know my brother and his love for Legos, these members have like 15,000 in Legos and they have lightsabers in their home! I straight felt like a kid in a candy store! 

- We got invited to a wedding reception for one of the members in our branch and it was all T-swift and so much fun! The whole Vazquez family was there and we got to prepare Kevin for Sunday! But we got hit by a crazy rainstorm that soaked us from head to toe in a matter of seconds and tons of tornado warnings but luckily nothing happened!

- Sunday morning was just amazing! Watching Abel baptize his son and Alicia. It was one of the most powerful moments as I watched his family coming 1 step closer to being an eternal family some day! So please keep Ibon and Araceli in your prayers that they will be ready to accept the gospel into their lives! But we had lots of member support and even tons of our friends there to watch a sacred ordinance! Even our new mission president, President Hansen and his wife were able to make it!!! 

Spiritual thought: " Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings." - Mosiah 8:18 // Think about how your faith can help you become the instrument in the Lord's hand to bless his children!!!

Was truly a miracle filled week and it was just a humbling experience to see the Lord work His hand in the work! Grateful I get to be here and see for myself!

Love you all!!! - Elder Doty

Sadly don't have baptism pictures... 


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